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 Sky's Quick Facts

Fully Inoculated


Needs   Medication


Special Diet


Required Grooming




Preferred  Toy


Good with Cats











Any Ball



All About Sky

We were very grateful for a very generous donation made by one of the members of Hots to enable the safe journey of Sky, a blue and tan Dobermann, from Spain into the Hots family.


She was underweight and insecure when she arrived, displaying scars of her difficult start in life.  With loads of love, care, understanding, time and patience her personality soon started to shine through and oh my, what a brilliant personality!  She has amusing, whimsical ways keeping the laughter going on and on - a fabulous sense of humour!


Sky adores other dogs and plays endlessly.  Highly intelligent and very keen to please, Sky is a delightful challenge.  Putting her quizzical keen mind to good use, Sky attempted agility, at which she excelled and thoroughly enjoyed.  Such a long way to come from her disturbing start in life - go Sky!


When out on a walk, she loves investigating any hole that she can find, be it rabbit, badger, mole - what type really does not matter to Sky, she simply disappears down the hole as far as she can go.  Where’s Sky? You will find her by a bottom swinging around in the air! The front part of her body? Yes! You’ve guessed it….down a hole!  She totally gives love unconditionally, makes you laugh uncontrollably, plays relentlessly and makes you feel fulfilled.  Time spent with Sky is never wasted and it warms your heart to see how far she has come from her challenging start in life.  She is simply a beautiful, amazing, humorous, loving, perfect Dobie!  







10th Dec 2015


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