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Meet the HOTS Team

Sheree Watson


Carson Green

My first encounter with a Dobermann was at the tender age of seven years.  I was in awe of this beautiful dog and made an excuse to go and visit the neighbour that owned him as often as I could.  I never ever forgot that stunning, comical and gorgeous boy and failed to understand why so many people were frightened of him!

This love, perhaps infatuation, stayed with me until I rescued my first beautiful, humorous sweetheart 5-year-old Dobie called Cassie.  After 11 months of pure joy, laughter and unconditional love, sadly Cassie lost her fight for life to Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) within 12 hours of the first diagnosis.  I was devastated and utterly heartbroken - there are no words - I knew my life would never be the same again.

I decided then and there that my life would be dedicated to rescuing and promoting this amazing breed and I have devoted my life to the memory of Cassie, working alongside various Dobermann rescues for just over 35 years.

I was fortunate enough to find myself in the position to start my own rescue in January 2017.  What started out as a part-time venture is now full-time and more.  My passion for rescuing Dobermanns is so deep in my heart and my devotion will remain forever.

I have been the proud keeper of many dogs throughout my life and have been extremely happy with all of them as the joy they brought into my world was amazing.   I was first introduced to the breed twelve years ago with a stunning Dobie called Storm and have had an addiction ever since, so much that I am now the owner of three wonderful rescue Dobermanns called Eric, Poppy and Dennis and they bring me so much happiness every day.
I have a true desire to help Hots Doberman Dog Rescue wherever I can and I am passionate about this breed.  My daily 
interaction with the rescue dogs consists of taking them for regular walks, grooming, training and transportation.  I don't class this as work as I enjoy every moment spent with these special dogs. 
One of my main jobs within the team is to maintain the vehicles, which is an essential requirement due to the many miles that the team cover rescuing precious lives.

Tom Watson

Although I am studying away at University in Leeds, I like to keep up to date with the dogs coming in and when I come home, I love helping with any rescue dogs that we have in foster care. I have always had a huge affection for dogs, indeed any animals, but my absolute passion is for Dobermann's as I have always had them in my life.

We had two Dobermann's when I was born and although everybody thought that the dogs should be rehomed as a baby was coming into the family! This was definitely not an option for my mum and dad! I was told that I was brought into the home in my carry cot and the dogs came in, sniffed me and then became my first best friends! With sensible guidance and respectful upbringing, my love grew for these two incredible Dobermann's and I simply cannot imagine my life without a Dobermann in it!

I am so proud to bring my friends to my home and for them to meet all the dogs that we have. We currently own seven rescue Dobermann's and foster more. I love learning the training methods that are used, all with kindness, rewards, games and fun! They make me laugh and I love the cuddle times! Simply the best moments ever! I have a special place in my heart for each and every one of them and always will.

Mysti Fied

Graphic Design

I am the owner of an amazing Dobermann called Bear, he's not just a dog, he's my best friend.  There's been a Dobermann in our home since I was four years old and Bear is the 5th to join the family.  Unless you have owned one of these splendid beasts you really have no idea how unique and incredible this proud breed can be.


My initial connection with Hots was all because of a Facebook banner that was out of alignment, I offered to correct it and this lead to me offering my services "free gratis" to rebuild their rescue website.  Being a charity that cares for dogs and in particular the Dobermann gave an increased incentive in helping to create a presence that would assist in the continuous success of their website.  


After spending the past few weeks with Sheree and her team, thrashing through ideas and proposals I became more involved as their enthusiasm for the welfare of these dogs is extremely infectious.  I now have an invested interest in Hots Rescue and will gladly continue to look after their website and anything else I can provide through my skill set.


Sheree Watson

February 2018


We would like to say a massive thank you to Mr Fied for the initial set up of our website and in offering his help, guidance and support, his knowledge of which has been invaluable to us as a Rescue.  He will be greatly missed, being a strong member of our technology and media team, however, we wish him every success in his new ventures - we are confident that he will excel, as he has done so for us.


Therefore the maintenance and ongoing work for our website have now been undertaken by Sheree, the founder of HOTS.


Please bear with us if there is a delay in any updates, as Sheree also fosters our Rescue Dogs plus many more roles within our Rescue and our Dogs will always come first.

Thank you.

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