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HOTS   News

Help Find Daisy...

Daisy was lost on 7th September 2017 from the AL1/AL2 area - St Albans, Hertfordshire. She was sighted on 1st October in Bell Lane, London Colney and was resting in a field alongside the M25. She has since been sighted on 11th December in the Brickett Wood area, St Albans. HOTS, together with a small group of invaluable volunteers, have spent many nights on stakeouts, but alas, to date have had no success.

We have Trackers, Trappers and Drones all on standby, we just need a confirmed sighting... Daisy was a Spanish street dog that was rescued by HOTS in February 2017. To this end, she will know how to hide, how to hunt for food and to a degree, she will know how to survive... She is thin by nature and the cold winter weather will now be against her. Maybe she has found an unused shed or barn to shelter and find warmth? Her owner, an 84-year-old gentleman, is utterly heartbroken and daily takes long walks looking for her, calling for Daisy but sadly, she does not come... She has a sweet and loving nature but is extremely timid and frightened, having not experienced many things until she came to the UK including cars, lorries, motorbikes, children...even grass! Please do not approach Daisy if you see her but contact HOTS as soon as you can - (07483) 854372 Thank you

Daisy Dobermann Cross lost missing in St Albans Hots Dobemann Dog Rescue
Daisy Dobermann cross missing AL1/AL2 Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue
Daisy Dobermann Cross Lost St Albans AL1/AL2 Area Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue
HOTS Dobermann Dog Rescue German Shepherd Cross Brindle male Benji

Seven gorgeous German Shepherd Cross puppies joined the HOTS UK family in August.


Following their safe journey, they arrived ready to play and full of character!


These fun puppies are now looking for the safety of their new forever loving families.


Beautiful Benji was the first to find his special family and it was with a warm fuzzy feeling in our hearts that he left to start his new life journey on Sunday 5th August.


Benji is super friendly and intelligent and we are confident that he will soon be an invaluable member of his fantastic new family and home.


Enjoy Life, Benji!

The four Musketeers come to the UK!

16th August 2018

HOTS Fun in the Sun!

A fun video that was kindly put together for HOTS featuring some of the gorgeous dogs that have recently come into our care and who are looking for their new forever loving homes...


Whether you are considering adoption or maybe helping HOTS by offering a foster home, please get in touch to find out more:


To Adopt:

To Foster:


Or perhaps you would like to pop in and help to socialise, take for walks or simply have a cuddle - or two! That would be wonderful!


Get in touch - we would love to hear from you x

16th August 2018

A close shave for Rubble!


Mischievious Rubble attended his first proper haircut appointment and we are all simply delighted with the results!

All along, there was a handsome prince hidden beneath the rough and ready kinda guy!

When Rubble was found in an emaciated state - he cried in pain if you merely tried to gently stroke him and try to offer him some love.  His coat had to be shaved off completely to offer some relief and we have been patiently waiting for it to grow back to the point where he could be groomed and trimmed to show off the stunning boy he is and always has been!

We asked his new owner if his behaviour went in line with his new appearance, the reply, quite simply was "No, he's still the cheeky, crazy little boy that we love!"

Well, you wouldn't want him any other way!

He's now enjoying the life he has been blessed with and his humour, loving ways and mischievousness totally shine through, stronger each day.  His new family absolutely adore him!

What an awesome little chap!


9th August 2018

Time to Party!

HOTS would like to wish beautiful Bliss a very happy 5th Birthday!


Bliss was found together with several other Miniature Schnauzers and various breeds of dogs in appalling emaciated states, abandoned in an apartment having been used for breeding.  Once in HOTS care the dogs were nurtured back to life and shown the love they deserved.


A team member of HOTS instantly fell in love with Bliss when she arrived into HOTS UK care and simply could not refuse to offer her a permanent safe and loving home.


Bliss has the disease Leishmaniasis, but that does not cause her owner any concerns following a course of treatment which has got the disease under control and Bliss will now continue to live a life as any other healthy, normal dog.


Happy Birthday Bliss, you so deserve all the spoiling, love and showers of kisses that you will receive. x

5th August 2018

The first baby to leave home!

1st August 2018

Just look at these fun little guys!

We are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to help these gorgeous babies with their new life journeys, welcoming them into HOTS UK family at the beginning of August.

Found frightened and neglected in a football stadium, Mum and her newborn puppies were rescued and then cared for by our HOTS family in Spain.

At five months old and lovingly been nicknamed the "football hooligans" these pups are now ready for their next stage in life and HOTS UK is committed to finding them the safety of a loving forever home in the UK.

Please read about the many ways you can help us to help them - together we can save precious lives and make a real difference.

Share this with your family and friends, just one of these babies could make a real difference in someone's life as their new best friend and loyal companion...

Thank you


27th July 2018

Look who's joining the HOTS family!

We are delighted to have been approached to help seven five-month-old German Shepherd puppies with their new lives onto safety and love!

Joining the HOTS family in the UK at the beginning of August, we thought you would like a sneak peak of the babies having fun, currently being cared for by HOTS family in Europe!


Please read about the way you can help us to help them and save precious lives by clicking the links below - together we can make a real difference!

Share this with your family and friends, just one of these babies could make a real difference in someone's life as their new best friend and loyal companion...

Thank you


27th February 2018

No Trouble Rubble!

For the first time in his short life, Rubble was introduced to the snow!


Together with his new sister Winnie, they had great fun, running, leaping and tossing the new white stuff that offered endless hours of playtime and games!


Friends and family joined in the playfulness building a snowman, which amused Rubble and Winnie alike - their efforts of help were greatly appreciated as several Snowman's heads were jumped on and squashed in a flurry of exploding snow!


We truly hope that all your dogs enjoyed the snow and had many hours of merriment, but most importantly of all, we hope that everyone kept safe and warm.


14th February 2018

Will you be my Valentine?

HOTS are looking forward to welcoming two Rottweiler Crosses, Betty and Wilma, into their care during February 2018.


Born in 2013, at just five years old, you can see from the video that they are happy and friendly girls!


They have beautiful temperaments and gorgeous characteristics.


We are looking forward to finding them their new forever homes and whoever those lucky people are, they are guaranteed a lifetime of love.


We know that these girls cannot wait to snuggle up on the sofa, embraced in endless cuddles!


Please contact us to find out more details, or complete an Adoption Application Form and we will be back in touch with you as soon as we can.


14th February 2018

coolaz jsxr zoe new home german shepherd cross hots dobemann dog rescue
coolaz jsxr geman shepherd cross hots dobermann dog rescue
coolaz jsxr german shepherd cross hots dobermann dog rescue
Coolaz Jsxr German Shepherd cross Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue

It was mutual instant love when Zoe met Coolaz, she simply could not resist his charming ways and his need for lots of cuddles!

Coolaz is Zoe's first ever dog, however, her partner Jaedon has had dogs all his life and simply loves the challenge to train a new puppy!

Coolaz has been renamed Gsxr after a motorbike, as their passion, other than Gsxr, is motorbike racing, something that Gsxr will also grow to appreciate as they go weekend camping to follow the sport.

Gsxr was one of the puppies found in the hole near a derelict castle in Spain and has certainly come a long way. He is keen to learn and loves to please. Car journies are his passion together with long walks around nearby lakes.

We wish Zoe, Jaedon and Gsxr the very best for their future which we are confident will be full of many happy stories, which we look forward to hearing all about.


Coolaz Revs Off!

14th February 2018

laura bradshaw lauren langman tom mitchell sheree watson absolute dogs naughty but nice hots dobermann dog rescue
absolute dogs naughty but nice UK tour 2018 hots dobermann dog rescue
absolute dogs naughty but nice hots dobermann dog rescue
absolute dogs naughty but nice UK tour 2018 join the bus hots dobermann dog rescue
absolute dogs naughty but nice UK tour 2018 hots dobermann dog rescue

On 25th January 2018, HOTS were kindly given two free tickets to attend the amazing Absolute Dogs 2018 UK tour in Birmingham.

We love and totally respect how they approach things!

Fun 3-minute games with a purpose and your dogs don’t even realise they’re learning - can you think of a better way for your best woofing friend?

In this evening seminar, Tom & Lauren shared the key concepts, skills and games that turn Naughty But Nice dogs (we all own them if we’re honest, even if it’s just mildly naughty) into superstars, whether as a canine companion or a competitive sports dog.

They arm you with the knowledge, skills and games - making living with Naughty But Nice dogs effortless and stress-free!

It’s all about reward-based games and strategies that have transformed thousands of dogs across the world, building bombproof and focussed partnerships. 

Lauren & Tom say: “What we have found is that so often with Naughty but Nice dogs, the best learning and insights happen when you don't have your dog with you, and you have the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the training opportunity.”

We had such a fun time - met some new people, a couple of dogs (of course) and got lots of new training games to help the HOTS family members in our care now and coming in the future. In fact, we’ve been so busy putting them into practice and building optimism in them that we’re only just able to tell you about it!


They have lots of free e-books to help you start and many YouTube video's.

Here are some useful the links that may help you:



You Are Not Alone


A quick introduction from Tom and Lauren.

Absolute Dogs

Naughty But Nice



11th February 2018

Dover & Mila are on their way!

Dover and Mila are two young Dobermanns joining the HOTS family in February 2018.

Once in our care, these beautiful dogs will be looking for their new forever loving homes.

They have both been rescued from European kill stations into our loving care.

If you are looking for four (or eight!) paws to join your family together with having a Dobermann space (or two!) on your sofa, please contact us.

Not much is yet known about these happy guys, but the video speaks for itself!


They each have a special someone...

They are just waiting to be found...


Please keep an eye on their profiles which will be updated as soon as we have more information. 

2nd February 2018

Rubble makes the couple!

We are so chuffed for Rubble!

Kerry and her husband Manuel contacted HOTS looking for a medium-sized dog and we had just the perfect chap for them!

It was instant love with this comical little guy and following a couple of "meet and greets", Rubble's future was all but decided, other than then meeting his new bestie and new sister, gorgeous Winnie!

At first, Winnie was unsure if her humans were allowed to be shared, together with her toys and her favourite sofa, but these feelings were soon dismissed as soon as she realised she now had a permanent playmate! Her toys, sofa and humans soon became theirs and their new life together began...

He was introduced to the chickens in the garden and very quickly it felt like they had all been together for years, Rubble making himself at home and loving everyone and everything!

We truly wish Kerry, Manuel, Winnie, Rubble and the chickens a very happy future together!

Thank you for coming to HOTS to expand your four paws family! We are confident that there will be many funny stories to come, Rubble will ensure that!

Rubble Miniature Schnauzer new home adopted Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue
Rubble Miniature Schnauzer adopt Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue
Rubble Miniature Schnauzer adopted Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue

31st January 2018

Daisy's Search Continues!

Sweetheart Daisy will be four years old on 10th March 2018 - we need her home to get her healthy and well to celebrate her Birthday!

Rescued by HOTS Rescue from Spain as an unwanted, unloved, neglected and frightened Spanish street dog, she soon stole the hearts of HOTS and became a very special member of our ever-growing family.

Following high winds resulting in a fence being blown down, Daisy went missing on 7th September 2017 in the AL1/AL2 area and was last sighted on 11th December still in this area.

We truly believe that she is alive somewhere...either using her instincts to survive or maybe someone has taken her in...but we need her home, back in the care of HOTS...

Daisy will be frightened, so if sighted, please DO NOT APPROACH - contact HOTS immediately on 07483 854372 - we have specialists on standby, just waiting for that call to safely catch her and return her to Hots...

If you live in the AL1/AL2 area, please be vigilant. Maybe you know a friend in the area that you could share this video with?

Please help us to find Daisy...we are waiting for that special call...

19th January 2018

Help  Stanley Survive!

Stanley is in the early stages of a life-threatening condition known as Leishmaniasis, and is in urgent need of immediate treatment.  Unfortunately, the first month is the most expensive as he has to have daily injections to get the disease under control, after which he can live a normal, healthy and happy life by just taking 1 pill a day.

He is a nearly 2-year-old Dobermann who is an absolute sweetheart that sadly has spent the start of his life not getting food or love, you can see just how underweight he is in his pictures which looks worse in the flesh.  Before his rescue, he would have gone to bed starving, cold, neglected and lonely. We simply have to give him this chance at life! He has so much love to give, absolutely loves his cuddles and has just got his appetite back having been so used to carrying on with his day with those severe hunger pains.


He loves other dogs and children, lapping up all the attention he can get.  He is a wonderful example of this magnificent breed and everyone who has met him has fallen deeply in love with this gorgeous boy.

We need to start his treatment next week (w/c 22/01/2018) but we cannot do this without your help


To donate: PayPal -


Alternatively, by Bank Transfer: Account Number: 07565103 Sort Code: 07-02-46


Thank you x

28th October 2017

Forever Cuddles with Cody!

Full of character, beautiful Cody has gone to her new home for a lifetime of fun and love!

HOTS was simply elated when Kay and family offered Cody her the chance of a fantastic new home.  Kay and her sister travelled from Scotland to come and meet her new family member, quite simply, it was mutual instant love!

Cody was more than keen to hop into the car and start the journey to her new home, where her new big brother Siren was waiting.

It has been one of the most emotional rehomes as secretly HOTS had fallen for this beautiful Dobie with her sweet and loving nature all mixed up with a typical wicked Dobie sense of humour!

Kay is keeping us up to date with Cody's adventures, so watch this space for future stories, we are guaranteed a laugh!


Thank you, Kay and family, from the bottom of our hearts!

hots dobermann rescue blue and tan female doberman cody
hots dobermann rescue cody and siren
hots dobermann rescue cody and siren
hots dobermann rescue blue ad tan female cody

27th October 2017

Follow Paysey's journey...

This beautiful Dobie was found frightened, starving and roaming the streets...everyone turned their back on her and ignored her sad plight...she was on her way to the pound where her outlook was irrevocably and immensely one came for one was there to help save her precious life...she was helpless...
A rescue in Europe contacted HOTS and we have the amazing opportunity to help this valued and treasured girl.

She is now safe and being fostered by a HoTS member in Europe, BUT she is not strong enough to travel...she is excruciatingly and disgustingly thin...she is heartbreakingly scared - her trust in humans has been lost...

She has been in our care for a few weeks now and we are truly delighted to announce that she is slowly putting on weight and starting to trust, patience, time, understanding and care...she is slowly starting to show her true colours - she is still in there - a Dobie with warmth and love to give...many magical and heartwarming moments are being and still will be experienced as she travels her road to recovery and rehabilitation...

Paysey female black & tan dobermann hots dobermann dog rescue
paysey female black & tan dobermann hots dobermann dog rescue
paysey female black & tan dobermann hots dobemann dog rescue

We are praying that she will be strong and well enough to travel to the UK before Christmas, but we will keep you up to date...this will take time and she has as long as she needs until the time is right...​
Please pop back to our website and follow her journey...we are determined to have a truly happy ending!

Every single donation received by HOTS completely goes towards the welfare and rescue of dogs that come into our care. We truly appreciate each and every offer of help, without which we could not do what we are passionate about, saving precious lives...

Music by The Weeknd - “As you are” - simply perfect and so, so true...

19th October 2017

For the love of Lola!

What a fabulous day when Lola met Tracey and her amazing son Ty.

Already owning a gorgeous Dobermann called Charlie Bear, this family simply needed a Lola in their lives!

Following meet and greets, Lola's future was decided, quite simply how could they refuse?  It was mutual love all around and Lola displayed her sense of humour, bunny hopped around and sealed the deal with loads of cuddles!  Job done!

Lola was then to meet her new big brother Charlie Bear.  You've probably guessed it, but it was love at first sight!  Playing, scheming and sleeping together, it was pure magic!  They are now the perfect partners in crime and we understand keep everyone on their toes!


The family enjoys walks and games together all combined with masses of Dobie cuddles and love, simply perfect!

Huge thank you to Tracey and Ty for offering this beautiful baby Lola the life she deserves.  We love hearing about your escapades and hilarious stories which we are confident will continue for many years!

lola blue and tan dobermann new home hots dobermann dog rescue
lola blue and tan dobermann pretty hots dobemann dog rescue blue gate
lola blu and tan dobermann relaxed hots dobermann dog rescue

17th October 2017

Smurf finds his new home!

Laura's dreams were all fulfilled, together with Smurf's, when their paths crossed and it was instant love!

Having been introduced to Dobermanns, Laura decided her life would simply not be complete until she had one of her own!  Well, along came Smurf, a very handsome blue and tan Dobermann born in March 2017 and the rest, as they say, is history!

Smurf joined the HOTS family in July 2017 and he truly is a miracle Dobie...shortly after coming into Hots care he was diagnosed with Pneumonia.  Even though he joined us in July it was incredibly cold and wet, something that poor Smurf just could not cope with!  His outlook was bleak as the HOTS Vet called to say those terrible words "We do not think that he is going to make it..." Heartbroken, emotional and anxious that this was the end of his sad, short life, both HOTS, the Vet and Smurf fought on.  Following a two day stay in the hospital, Smurf started to pick up and returned to HOTS care, where round the clock attention was given combined with, needless to say, masses of cuddles!

During this horrific time, Laura decided that Smurf was the boy for her!

Smurf has beaten all odds and is now the healthy, fun and hysterical puppy he should be.  He attends Dog Training classes and is working towards his Kennel Club Good Citizens Award - go Smurf!

Never a dull day passes with this amazing boy and we look forward to keeping up to date with his hilarious stories together with many years of laughter and love!  Thank you, Laura, for offering him an amazing life.

Smurf blue and tan dobermann hots dobermann rescue
Smurf blue and tan dobermann hots dobermann rescue
Smurf blue and tan dobermann hots dobermann rescue

12th October 2017

We Need Your Help!

As we are approaching the colder months, well actually they are here, we are in desperate need of the following for our rescue dogs:

• Blankets

• Duvets

• Dog beds

• Vet Bed

• Towels

• Sleeping bags

• Pillows

• Dog coats and jumpers in all sizes


Please look in your cupboards or under your beds and if you have any of the above to spare, please contact us for drop off points, or we maybe able to collect.


You can either call 07483 854372, message on our Facebook Page or email us on:

Let’s help keep these babies warm and cosy!

Huge thank you in anticipation for your help, it is greatly appreciated as always.

We need your help hots dobermann rescue

10th October 2017

Dal   Finds A New Family!

Wearing a massive smile with a twinkle in his eye, Dal, who has now been renamed Domino, joined his fabulous new home this week. 
Pauline and family have had many dog members join their home over the years, but had an empty space in their home and hearts, just waiting for the right pooch to fill that gap. They immediately contacted HOTS after seeing an advert for Domino looking for his new home as he “melted their hearts”. 
Domino has been taken to a beautiful home that includes a huge garden containing a pond which he found to be particularly amusing as he jumped in and waded about, grinning from ear to ear!  They also own holiday accommodation right on the beach and are looking forward to taking Domino for what will be, his first ever family holiday by the seaside, running along the vast beaches and paddling in the sea, then back home to snuggle up.

To sum it all up, Domino has found his slice of heaven and we would like to thank Pauline and her family from the bottom of our hearts for offering him this outstanding opportunity. We are confident you will have many, many years of fun, laughter and love with Domino and look forward to hearing the many stories that you will have to tell. Thank you.

Dal Dalmatian garden hots dobermann rescue

3rd October 2017

A New Start For Ray!

We are truly delighted and simply over the moon!

Gorgeous Ray proudly sat in the back of his new estate car with a happy smile on his face as he left for his future amazing home with Paul and Jack on Sunday.

Having owned and loved many breeds and being true dog people through and through, Paul and Jack spent the day with HOTS and were totally taken by Ray with his stunning personality and ginormous ears!


Ray will be enjoying his new life with his Bedlington Terrier brother, Rizzle. Not only will they be sharing their toys with each other but beautiful walks together along the vast beaches in Merseyside.


Upon returning home they can then snuggle up on a deep rug in front of the glowing wood burning stove. Pure heaven for Ray and so, so deserved.  We would like to thank Paul, Jack and Rizzle for offering this handsome, gentle and loving boy his opportunity for happiness. Welcome to the Hots family!

Ray German Shepherd hots dobermann rescue
Ray German Shepherd hots dobermann rescue
Ray German Shepherd hots dobermann rescue

20th September 2017

Smurf Goes to Puppy School

This beautiful blue and tan Dobermann, Smurf, has just been to week 2 of his 6-week puppy foundation classes with a local kennel club certified trainer. Along with his human mummy, he'll eventually be working through all levels of the kennel club good citizens awards.  

Smurf's a very clever boy who absolutely loves to learn and aims to please with that beautiful Dobie goofy smile on his face.  Tonight the class started with showing they'd all done their homework with name recognition, focus on owners and recall as learned last week.  Once that was out the way it was time to learn something new, and so began the first step of walking to heel. Everything was going well until treats were dropped from the various owners around the room without realising, then it suddenly became a game of who could vacuum up the dropped treats first.  If there had been music it may have been mistaken for a maypole dancing event.  It was absolutely hilarious.  Heel work will be Smurf's homework for the next week in time for week 3 and with a bit of luck, all the humans will be able to manage the treat holding so there are no extra temptations!  

For now, he's jumping, running and bouncing his way home for the night looking forward to what next week will bring and eventually achieve his certificate.

Smurf blue and tan dobermann hots dobermann rescue

18th September 2017

HOTS on Tour

With a warning of torrential rain and thunderstorms, HOTS was not deterred and ventured to the fun Aras Dog Show in Marston Moretain, Bedfordshire on Sunday 17th September.

Loaded with treats, dogs and a slight promise of some sunshine Hots were delighted to be on the road again, leaving dark clouds behind them!

Gorgeous Elli (Dobermann) stunning Ray (German Shepherd) and beautiful baby Smurf (blue and tan Dobermann) were delighted to be joined by Tracey with Smurf's sister Lola, a wonderful and emotional Hots family reunion!

To everyone's surprise with the exception of a slight shower, the afternoon remained dry to the extent even sunshine was very well received. This reflected everyone's mood as Smurf and Lola entered several classes in the dog show, alas not to win any rosettes on this occasion, but Smurf proudly walked away wearing his medal having been presented with a special award.  Taking part and supporting the event was the order of the day together with giving all our dogs the amazing opportunity to socialise, mixing and mingling with many people and other dogs, receiving loads of cuddles and helping to raise awareness of Hots.

It was fabulous to also meet Craig with his gorgeous Springer Spaniel, Hector.  Smurf chose to adopt Craig and simply use him as his armchair!  This was following Smurfs entry into the "Best Fancy Dress" disguised as "Super Dobie!"

HOTS would like to thank Aras Dog Training for their invitation to a fantastic afternoon full of fun, laughter and of course, some beautiful dogs!  Memories to cherish for always and we truly look forward to supporting your next event.  Thank you x

Smurf blue and tan dobermann hots dobermann rescue
Ray German Shepherd hots dobermann rescue
Smurf blue and tan dobermann hots dobermann rescue

16th September 2017

Bandanna Bargains

Limited offer! HOTS will make your dog look super cool in these fabulous on-trend quality bandanna's! 
You can choose from Red, Blue or Green, or even have a change of wardrobe and have all three! The collar length is adjustable up to a 16" collar size. You can even remove the bandanna from the existing collar and thread onto another collar of your choice! 


We have a limited number of these available to you at the incredible price of just £4 each including p&p, or go for our special Hots offer of all three (one of each colour) for just £10 including p&p. Time to spoil your pooch and make it the envy of all it's pals? 

You have the satisfaction and security to know your purchase goes towards helping to care for all the dogs who come into our rescue family. All contributions make a real difference to what we do.
Please email us at: to place your order while stocks last!

Bandanna hots dobermann rescue
Ray German Shepherd bush hots dobermann rescue

After grooming his hair and brushing his teeth, Today Ray went out, for a Meet and Greet!


To a local pet store, we were dragged along,

Straight to the stand with his favourite Kong!


Folk fell in love with this gorgeous boy,

How could we resist, yes, he got a new toy!


A dog nervous child, approached with her dad,

We said "Oh he's friendly!", this made Ray glad!


Dropping to her knees, giving hugs and a pat

Ray loved it all, by her side promptly sat


She wished she could take care of this precious lad

She stayed by his side whilst begging her dad


The magic of Ray worked its wonders again

As staff of the store soon friends they became


Ray is so special, that's easy to see
He asks "take me home" so please choose me!

Ray German Shepherd hots dobermann rescue
Ray German Shepherd hots dobermann rescue

Ray's Shopping Trip

12th September 2017

10th September 2017

Two Happy Chappy's

Just a quick update! One of our recently adopted dogs "Diesel" who was given a permanent home in July by Alan Smee and his family and has taken to his new owners and surroundings as if he's lived there since being a pup.  Alan said that Diesel had everyone wrapped around his furry paw from the moment they took possession of him, adding that his handsome face is matched by his noble nature; like a saint, he is always happy, but assumes an expression of sorrowful disappointment when denied a piece of roast chicken, which smites far deeper.

Alan kindly keeps us updated on the "adventures of Diesel" telling us of all the activities that they get up to each day.  It makes us so very happy at HOTS to know that a dog that had been badly mistreated and was terribly undernourished to the point of starvation is now thriving because of the love and care offered by his new family.  Diesel is now gaining all his lost muscle and is looking strong and healthy, it just goes to show what real kindness can do towards helping such a beautiful dog back on the road to recovery.  


Alan and Diesel are now joined at the hip, where Alan goes so does Diesel, out for long walks in the forest or just playing in the garden, you can see the utter joy and happiness on this dogs face because of the amazing friendship that has been forged.  


This is just one case of the many happy endings that we are so proud to play a part in at HOTS Rescue.

Diesel Dobermann hots dobermann rescue
Diesel Dobermann hots dobermann rescue

9th September 2017

Aras Dog Show

HOTS will be attending the Aras Dog Show on Saturday 16th September at Marston Moretaine in Bedfordshire.

We are truly looking forward to meeting and greeting not only some familiar faces but new ones too!

Some of our dogs will be with us so please do pop by and give them a hug or two, they would love to see you!

We will have a variety of items for sale to help raise funds.  Our handmade Snuffle Mates are always popular and will be available in a variety of gorgeous colours.  These are fantastic for dogs of all ages and breeds giving them mental stimulation and fun all wrapped up in an interactive game of seeking to find the treats!  

Now to decide which classes to enter, there are some great categories to choose from!

See you there!

Fun dog show hots dobermann rescue

8th September 2017

So Cute

Beautiful Elli the Dobermann and handsome Ray the German Shepherd have become the best of friends over the past few days whilst being fostered by HOTS.  This is amazing to watch as Elli was so nervous and apprehensive with not only human attention but also very wary towards other dogs, but due to lots of love and patience she has, at last, come out of her shell and the results are truly wonderful.
Following a careful introduction of the two dogs, it soon became clear that they simply wanted to play with each other and snuggle up together on the sofa!
The magic of this relationship continues to unfold and become more and more colourful each and every day with their confidence growing, together with their trust not only in each other but with us too.  A truly heartwarming and fun time is being had by all at HOTS!

Ray german shepherd Elli Doberman hots dobermann rescue

1st September 2017

Happy Mr Bumble

Great news for Mr Bumble! Packing his bag with as many tennis balls as he could possibly find, he left for his new fantastic home.

With mixed emotions, we waved goodbye to this stunning dog.  He had woven himself firmly and deeply into the hearts of everyone at HOTS and there he will remain forever!

During his stay in HOTS with love, care, understanding and patience Mr Bumble transformed from a extremely frightened dog who would not even step one paw into the home, hiding and making a secret den in the garden for himself, to the most confident chap who happily snuggled up on the sofa for you to receive his ever-ready cuddles and affection.

HOTS was delighted to be able to offer this miracle dog his opportunity for happiness and safety.

We would like to thank Ben and his family for contacting HOTS, taking time to meet Mr Bumble and offer him the life he so rightly deserves.  We are confident you will have many years of fun, laughter and love with our outstanding, super special boy

Mr Bumble mastin cross hots dobermann rescue

31st August 2017

Awesome Auction

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported us in our August Auction room!

We are delighted to announce a total of £191.50 was raised which will help us to support our dogs in need.

We would also like to say a massive thank you to everyone who kindly donated items for our auction, you are amazing!

Please watch out for our September fundraising venture, we promise it will be fun!

Auction hots dobermann rescue

19th July 2017

Ray Joins HOTS

If you are looking for a stunning 2 years old German Shepherd to re-home and join your family then Ray is the boy for you!

Our hearts skipped a beat or two when Ray joined the HOTS family. From the very first moment of meeting Ray we realised just how super special he was as he greets you with a smile simply wanting love and play, he is keen to learn and desperate to please, quite simply a perfect addition to any family.  He needs an active family who likes to go on rambling walks and have the time to give to this incredible boy.


Ray was found homeless and roaming the streets, starving, frightened and craving affection.  Being rescued from a kill station HOTS have pledged to find him his new forever loving home.

Please help us to help him and make his dreams come true, we promise you will not be disappointed.

Please click his picture to go to his profile page.

Ray bushes Hots Dobermann Rescue

18th July 2017

Eight Blue & Tan Dobies Arriving

HOTS was contacted and asked to help a litter of mainly blue and tan Dobermanns from Europe.

The first four puppies arrived with us in July and the long journey to safety began...

One of the puppies sadly demonstrated signs that he was unwell and shortly after arriving at HOTS he had an appointment with our vets. It was identified that he had sadly contracted pneumonia and was immediately admitted to the hospital. Pneumonia in young dogs travelling is quite a common occurrence and for this reason, extra precautions and measures had been taken to ensure they were transported as safely as possible.
We cannot thank our incredible vets enough, whom the founder of HOTS has used for many years - The Vet Centre in Maids Moreton, Buckinghamshire.

For your incredible patience, unlimited knowledge, love and care and always going the extra mile!

They have saved and been given a full quality of life to so many Rescue's that others would have given up on...Thank You!

Dobermann blue an tan puppy hots dobermann rescue
Dobermann blue and tan hots dobermann rescue
Dobermann blue and tan puppy hots dobermann rescue

15th July 2017

HOTS Live Auction

30th July starting at 3 pm at the Beehive Pub...Get ready to bid, bid, bid!
The HOTS Auction will be held at the Beehive Pub, 22 The Green, Deanshanger, Northants, MK19 6HL.
A large variety of fabulous items are going under the hammer, will they be yours?
Why not bring your friends and family along to join in the fun the more the merrier! Every donation or winning bid goes towards helping to raise much-needed funds for Hots rescue.
So get ready for a 3.00pm start! Grab yourself a drink and a seat and get ready to join in the fun happy bidding and good luck!
Hosted by Lorraine the amazing landlady at the Beehive and therefore laughter and fun are guaranteed! A full barrel of laughs!  Please don’t be disappointed, pop along early, you will not want to miss out!
Not forgetting, of course, the popular meat raffle proceeds this event being drawn at 2.30pm, so why not join Lorraine for that too? We all love a bargain!
Huge thank you for your support without which we simply could not do what we strive to do, saving precious lives.

Beehive Pub Deanshanger Great Night Out with Hots Dobermann Dog Rescue

14th July 2017

HOTS Tabletop Sale!

29th July at the Beehive Pub...Come and grab a bargain!

The HOTS Tabletop Sale will be held between 12 pm - 5 pm at the Beehive Pub, 22 The Green, Deanshanger, Northants, MK19 6HL.

Join us for an afternoon of fun helping to raise much-needed funds for HOTS Rescue.  Not only can you grab yourself a bargain but we'll have several of our fabulous dogs with us that are in our care and we're sure they would love some ear scratching and tummy rubs.  Why not bring your friends and family to enjoy a great afternoon all combined with the fun of being at a super pub where a giggle or two is guaranteed.


The event will be held outside and there will be many tables of assorted bargains under a marquee as well as around the pub garden.  Why not make a day of it and have a fantastic lunch from the traditional pub menu.  We are looking forward to seeing you on this fun day and appreciate your generosity as all proceeds from this event will greatly help our beloved rescue dogs!

15th July 2017

Diesel finds his new family

What a fantastic day!

Gorgeous Diesel has started his new life journey! Huge THANK YOU shout out goes to Alan and Alison for offering this super special boy his chance of a forever loving home, not forgetting, of course, Diesel's new best friend Gracie!


Have fun baby boy, laugh often, love and be loved loads, you so, so, so deserve it!
We look forward to hearing your stories and watching you flourish in your new home - we instantly fell in love with this special boy and we know that Alan and Alison felt the same way too...

Diesel happy hots dobermann rescue

12h July 2017

Sapphires new start

Such an amazing end to a long, emotional journey!

Thank you, Sharon Wallace for offering this beautiful baby girl Star (aka Sapphire) the opportunity of love and happiness - simply the perfect match! x
Thank you, Kay Barry, for all your help, patience, true passion and love for saving lives - you are simply the best ever and truly amazing! x


Following a very long, stressful and heartbreaking wait of 4 months, frantically fundraising and sourcing her safety in Spain, eventually, Star (aka Sapphire) joined the HOTS Dobie loving family last Wednesday!
Huge shout out goes to beautiful Star as she happily set off to her new forever loving home with Sharon Wallace and family.
What a perfect match! It was instant love on both sides as they met for the first time.....a very emotional time and not one dry eye was left as they embraced each other - simply meant to be!
Have the life you so deserve you beautiful girlie - be happy, love loads and laugh often - we are sure you will!
We understand she was forced to sleep on (well actually in!) the bed with Sharon - not! Typical Dobie! Lol!
Thank you, Sharon, for offering this gorgeous baby the opportunity of happiness and love x

Sapphire door hots dobermann rescue
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