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Mr Bumble

All About Mr Bumble





Mastin Cross


20th May 2016


 Mr B's Quick Facts

Fully Inoculated


Needs   Medication


Special Diet


Required Grooming




Preferred  Toy


Good with Cats











Buffalo Horn



Great news for Mr Bumble! Packing his bag with as many tennis balls as he could possibly find, he left for his new fantastic home on 15th August.

With mixed emotions, we waved goodbye to this stunning dog.  He had woven himself firmly and deeply into the hearts of everyone at Hots and there he will remain forever!

During his stay in Hots with love, care, understanding and patience Mr Bumble transformed from a extremely frightened dog who would not even step one paw into the home, hiding and making a secret den in the garden for himself, to the most confident chap who happily snuggled up on the sofa for you to receive his ever ready cuddles and affection. He went from being frightened to eat whilst in anyone's company to relaxing and enjoying three meals a day!  Frightened by and not understanding toys, especially a ball, he became addicted to chasing tennis balls and taught himself to drop the ball at your feet as this meant it would be thrown for him again and again and again, yes, this was fun!  The change in Mr Bumble was so inspiring and heartwarming and yet heartbreaking as we eventually learnt his full story which makes this incredible dog even more special.


Mr Bumble was dumped in a rescue centre in Spain as a very young, confident and playful puppy who touched everyone with not only his cute appearance, but his loving and comical ways.  It was guesstimated that he was between four and six weeks old.

A family in Sweden expressed an interest in adopting him but he had already been reserved by two chaps in Spain.  The couple decided to adopt him and Mr Bumble happily went on towards what should have been his happy new life story in a forever home.

At approximately twelve months old, Mr Bumble was found roaming the streets and waiting at the gates of the rescue centre.  He was starved, frightened and exhausted combined with several war wounds.  The rescue instantly recognised him but were horrified by his condition and the massive change in this once happy, chubby and stunning puppy that had been adopted less than a year before.


Immediate thoughts were that maybe he had got lost, albeit his new home was a long way away from the rescue home.

They contacted his owners and were stunned and shocked to discover that they had thrown him out to fend for himself as they had decided that he was too much work!  They were simply not prepared to give him any time, whatsoever, in their lives!  He had to go!

The only place where Mr Bumble had found love and care was in the rescue home and took it upon himself to find his way back to them.  The journey for him must have been horrendous, scary and dangerous taking him approximately between two to three weeks!  But he did it and more or less collapsed at his destination!  Nursing him back to full health and giving him the will to live, the decision was made that Mr Bumble had to leave Spain to stand a chance of survival.  The family in Sweden were contacted but sadly were no longer interested, especially as he was now damaged goods!

At this point, Hots were contacted as the outlook for him to remain in Spain and to find a loving family impossible and the outlook for him was bleak.


Hots were delighted to be able to offer this miracle dog his opportunity of happiness and safety.

We would like to thank Ben and his family for contacting Hots, taking time to meet Mr Bumble and offer him the life he so rightly deserves.  We are confident you will have many years of fun, laughter and love with our outstanding, super special boy, Mr Bumble!





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